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stable diffusion+nijijoney+painting work

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Great Escape Games is delighted to announce we will continue to distribute the Dead Man's Hand Old West range of terrain designed by Jealous Gods and formerly distributed by 4Ground Publishing.

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Some card art i painted up a few years back for 4Ground LLC. Each was done in 8 hours or less due to time constraints ... and it shows in some, lol. But hey 38 pieces in 45 days, yeeehaw! Taught me a hell of alot.

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中国沿岸の建物Nanhai Trading Post ¥9900と前回の予約発注でご好評いただきましたThe Cursed Church ¥6300です。

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知ってる限りだと4Ground社のStagecoach 28S-CAW-101(4頭立てかも?)か、昔MordheimにあったメタルのStagecoach位しか知らない…。

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"Consume Fear" card art piece I illustrated for 4Ground's "Legend's of the Fabled Realms tabletop war game. Was going for a classic DnD/Warhammer vibe. PS CS4 w/Wacom pro tablet.

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Legend of Fabled RealmsはMDFテレインの4Ground社が開発中のファンタジーゲーム。通常の手番運びとは一味違う、アクションとリアクションのやりとりで進むゲームプレイと、濃密な世界とそれを支えるミニチュア・ルールが用意される模様。フロストグレイブ同様、他社ミニチュアも使える予定です。

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