Relevant news, studies and stories to read today. A daily dose of politics, extremism, conspiracy theories, and a little hope for accountability.

32 105

Another soldier who joins my army🫡 thanks ❤️ to my partner for his giveaway! This is it 🔥 don't wait any longer and build your war team🪖!

6 18


Cambiemos la historia🥰💜❤️💚 ¡APRUEBO!

🎵’Cumbia del Apruebo’- Los Romelia

10 15


0 0


★ | Yue was a divine being from our childhood. 👀😭

0 7

《Smile, Razor 💜》•【

★ | He is beautiful with any smile painted on his face. 🥺🥰

4 16

Du bleu, du blanc, du rouge 💙🤍❤️! Quelques créations couleur France aujourd'hui 🇫🇷

✨RedBubble -->
✨Printable Etsy -->

1 1

Dans la discut’minute, nos petits citoyens parlent des mouvements et Agathe explique à P’tite Marianne que personne n’a le droit de dire aux filles comment elles doivent s’habiller... >>

0 2

Certaines tenues comme le crop-top ou la jupe courte font débat : des écoles les jugent trop provocantes ou indécentes. Des lycéennes ont alors lancé le pour inciter les filles à s’habiller comme elles le souhaitent >>

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高梨さん( )



13 53

I'm going to keep posting girls in bikinis in the illusion that it's still Summer. Like and RT for support.

3 13

L'amore e la ragione sono due viaggiatori che non abitano mai insieme nello stesso albergo: quando uno arriva,l'altro parte.
✍️Walter Scott

1 2