- Wotan
- Vishnu
- Thoth
- Atlas
- Fujin
- Iztauhqui-Tezcatlipoca
- Tūmatauenga
- King of Kings
- The Persistence of Nature

Done with

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I’m Nicholas of 8thWonderPrime and I’ve done designs for MLW, NXT, GCW, IMPACT, NJPW and more! From parody shirts to totally original Ideas, I can nail any style you’re looking for.

Consider me the next time you’re looking for that merch check to POP!


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Sundays ish: the Black Cat! Been rewatching some of the 90s Spider-Man cartoon on Disney+ and it’s been heavily influencing my art this week.

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That is Hulk Hogan's signature look. Blond chinese hair and skin of a hotdog.

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俺は 俺は ここまでか

by 8thwonder/焦燥

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