画質 高画質

was doing basics practices on a vc with the lads, started with a pear and ended with waluigi

35 259

Art block so I back to basics and drink a MONSTER

146 1694

アシックススニーカーはかなり久々に描きましたが、NIKEとはまた違ったかっこ良さがありますね( 〃▽〃)

ご依頼はDMにて好評受付中( *´艸`)


4 124

Freminet: Yearning for Unseen Depths
Renowned Diver of the Court of Fontaine

As the realm of Hydro, Fontaine's underwater vistas are positively breathtaking. But not everyone gets to enjoy this mysterious world beneath the waves. Even for those who have mastered the basics,… https://t.co/vYSiOt8U6g

16851 135631









319 1146

Time for the update.

Starting with the finished ones
- Misty: sprite set available in Mugen Fighters Guild.
- Rouge: character will be included in Vs. Style Debuts.
- Lilymon: in coding.

Work in progress
- character basics, normals and special moves done

12 50

朝の3時に「XXD's Basics In Birthday Party and Revelry」をプレイするとこんな画面が出てきてびっくりした…。
When played "XXD's Basics In Birthday Party and Revelry" at 3 o'clock in the morning, was surprised to see this screen..

1 5

that was so much fun! we didn't finish it, but the basics are done! Thank you everyone! ❤️

2 3

KIMO CHALLENGE DAY 3 // I haven’t exactly figured out what I want out of this challenge yet other than consistency, but a portrait was all I had the energy for 😅

0 2

Before getting into what we might see going forward, first is the basics: their personalities! The surface-level answer is that Tang is just your average college student while Macaque has centuries of issues that he should DEFINITELY see a therapist for...

But there's more!

2 83

Asics x Kiko Kostadinov Gel Burz 1

3 9

Let's take the opportunity of this extended maintenance to share some shots that never made it to the public eye!

I was really into learning the basics of B&W photography and muted tones a little while ago, so here are some of my attempts:

30 154

If you see this tweet, quote it with 4 pics that expose your taste in men

I think this more or less covers all bases of my taste lol at least the basics https://t.co/kHZIapgdEs

1 6

Back to Basics 🟦

549 5960

Messy sketches of Baldi and Susan bcuz uh yes I love them and I absolutely love drawing them (and Andrew ig)

18 46