The Execution of Lady Jane Grey (1833)
by Paul Delaroche
Style: Academicism

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ele também embeleza artistas do Expressionismo de uma maneira quase ofensiva, já que o ponto era exatamente produzir uma arte "feia" sem as barreiras do academicismo como forma de expressão pura da alma humana, com forte influência da arte africana pilhada pelo colonialismo

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Winding the Skein (1878)
by Frederic Leighton
Style: Academicism

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I think we enter classical artists inspiration!

9. William Adolphe Buoguereau - though I dont aim realistic, I love the academicism in the vibe of mythology, nature and religious themes in his paintings.

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"It is a widely accepted notion among painters that it does not matter what one paints as long as it is well painted. This is the essence of academicism. There is no such thing as good painting about nothing."–Mark Rothko

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Edward John Poynter , 1876 pintor inglés figurativo adscripto al academicismo aunque relacionable al prerrafaelismo

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Le gusta experimentar con diferentes superficies, pero su medio preferido es el óleo sobre lienzo. El estilo de la pintura de Devadatta se basa en una fuerte academicismo. Buenos días :)

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Winding the Skein (1878)
by Frederic Leighton
Style: Academicism

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The Young Shepherdess (1885)
by William-Adolphe Bouguereau
Style: Academicism

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Jean Leon Gerome Ferris’s 1777 oil -Betsy Ross showing to Major Ross how she cuts the stars for the American flag, Charming academicism room scene, that celebrates Our Republic; My modern impressionist WCs do same:

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En las últimas dos décadas Eleanor Antin ha vuelto su mirada al academicismo del siglo XIX, a la pintura de los grandes maestros del pasado y al mundo clásico antiguo para resignificar el pasado y cómo este se proyecta a lo largo de la historia y en el presente.

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The Dance of the Nymphs Oil on canvas

🏛️ Private Collection

Édouard Bisson 1856-1939 🇫🇷

Painting Lovers
Art Lovers

Woman In Art
©️ Detail Lovers

By J.G.N. Art Historian

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