Anyone else get as happy as Addy when they have their favorite food and drink?

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Addy always remembers to bring their swim supplies. The bowtie is just for pizzaz.

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Addy knows that it takes a certain kind of magic to raise children.

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Addy is striped! Do we have any other striped Addys among us???

2 34

Addy and their mini-me are here and ready to take notes!📝

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Let’s all take a page from Addy and art-and-boba today!

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Addy knows that in 2021, it’s no longer gold you find at the end of the rainbow — it’s crypto. 🌈

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Addy has been studying hard, and is ready to take the plunge into crypto and NFTs!

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To Addy and all of our lovely Addy parents, you’ve got this! Keep setting that shining example for our future generation! 💪#AddyShoutOut

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Addy seems to get a little sentimental after they've had a few sips. 🐙😄

3 18

Uh oh, looks like Addy has a case of the Mondays! 🐙

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Getting cold out there? Be like Addy and get yourself a cap with some ear muffs and a nice hot cup of noodles.

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Each year, dozens of Addys suffer unfortunate cactus-related injuries. Don't be like Addy

Please don't drink and cactus 🙏

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Addy is so sophisticated, dontcha think? Maybe it's the beret...

2 19

Addy plans:

Step 1: Get ETH
Step 2: ???
Step 3: Cupcakes

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Before joining Addy used to work in a cupcake shop. One day she decided to abandon everything into the unknown world of Legend says she stills holds her last cupcake 🧁🐙#Addyshoutout

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Addy has a moon, a cactus, and even a VIP badge; I don't know what has them so overcome with emotion! Are those tears of joy??

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