'Look for the picture books of...Ardizzone, Burningham, Browne, Blake, Shirley Hughes, the Ahlbergs & Sendak. Read them with your most adult awareness of life & literature & text, & you will see that the invitations they offer to young readers are far from infantile.'

Meek, 1988

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Most viewed post on this week: Each Peach Pear Plum by Janet & Allan Ahlberg
I've read so many times that I almost know it off by heart!

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Of course, as everyone knows, babies are quite capable of looking after themselves, unless they choose not to (with apologies to the Ahlbergs’ ‘Bye Bye Baby’).

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December 6th:
The Jolly Christmas Postman by Janet & Allan Ahlberg
We love opening the envelopes & rediscovering the cards & letters that are delivered to various nursery rhyme & fairytale characters 📨

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A book that never loses its magic in this week's Children's Book Recommendation! Which is your favourite book to read at this time of year? Please send us your recommendation via messenger or email library.transformation.gov.uk

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Dulac, Ambrus, Ardizzone, Keeping, R.Kennedy, Ahlbergs, Foreman, Jacques, Wildsmith, Oxenbury, Pienkowski,Briggs, H Ford, L Speed, Scarry, Hughes, Jansson, Potter, Shepard,Fortnum (to name a few)Thanks for brightening my childhood

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