Monetary value aside I dig what Kin has created using AI better 🤷‍♂️ Especially once we get to add animation to these bad boys 🔥🔥🔥

11 31

Completely different styles.
Same collection.
We own this

2 8

fundadora de 🔥
deben conócela 🫡
Ha creado colección de
Tenemos una comunidad fabulosa
Los sinceramente están llenos de Arte

We own this

Tienen que hacerle Zoom

2 5

My new refreshes from the bounty swaps
Meant to be able to sell one but keeping all four 🌻🔥🐒❤️

7 17

Meet Pink Sugar my White Monkey Pass Aipe designed by with input from me. A true one of a kind with the sugar cone ears. project is always surprising and delighting - get in here and have fund with us!

13 23

My favorite in my bag and from the OG refresh

3 15

Somos la comunidad más salvaje que hay, los únicos que disfrutamos un buen
Atrévete a conocernos, los estamos bien locos. Pero como dice somos puro amor 🚀
Nosotros tenemos
Conócenos 👉 🔥

2 3

you know this…. we are wallet and we would be stupid not to welcome you into our dividends! Happy New Year Brother!

1 5

The only derivative I've bought and keep buying

0 4