To celebrate here's a two-tweet thread of a bunch of my art from

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Worf, Julian, Quark...think of her like a Time Lord...

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D.C. Comics was the the first to do a follow up story post the Search for Spock .#StarTrekTOS

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i've stopped knowing what i was doing eons ago

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Kang: Fooling these Earthlings is easier than expected.

Kodos: Yes. All they want to hear are bland pleasantries embellished by an occasional saxophone solo or infant kiss.

Oh, wait, wrong show...

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Day 8.
I decided to do instead. I took it as a good sign when tonight's episode had a long and weird scene of Kirk disturbed as children played around him, their dead families all around. It was too good to not draw.

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Kodos? What about Kang?
Oh, wait...

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Kodos lives on, just in a slightly different form.

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