~A silence.
Is that really... an ancient legend?
No. But that made it easier to
tell you.~

12 59

Entertaining an idea of the Borg Queen infiltrating Voyager. Just because I want to see Susanna Thompson in Starfleet uniform 😊

2 29

It’s a day early but here’s Warped Impulse wishing a happy birthday 🖖🙂🎂🎉

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Evil janeway but I drew this in 30mins and i went too far lol

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Made a simple animation depicting Captain Janeway’s assimilation into a Borg drone 🙂

3 21

Lieutenant Janeway - inspired by ’s account on her away mission to defend a Federation outpost from the Buy me a ☕️ on Ko-fi at https://t.co/yyhMRSU07R if you enjoyed my art 🖖🙂

5 37

"CONSTANT FACTOR". Timelines may change, but for at least the is a constant. Support me with a cup of ☕️ via Ko-fi if you enjoy my comics and art:

1 16

For fans of - “Constant Factor” While timelines may change, certain things remain a constant 😊🖖

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