6 Dec 1912 bust found at sent to has always wanted her back. But fell in love with her. Did he make a copy (for Egypt) & hide the original bust? If so, is this the genuine or the fake? Find out here: https://t.co/6Q7hA6JPh0

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Busto de Nefertiti, elaborado con piedra caliza y con estuco pintado. Se trata de la gran esposa real del faraón egipcio Akenatón y se cree que Tutmose lo realizó en 1345 a.C., ya que se encontró en su taller en Amarna, Egipto.​

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➡️Pyramide d'El-Lahun et carrières de Tura. Monuments d'Égypte& d'Éthiopie
Karl Richard Lepsius (1810-84) égyptologue, linguiste alld
1842-45: expédition en Égypte. Étudie pyramide de Gizeh,Ṣaqqārah, Thèbes, Deir el-bahari, Medinet Abou, Philae, Abou Simbel, Tell el Amarna,Méroé

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Discovered in 1912, in Amarna, Egypt, the painted, limestone bust of Queen Nefertiti, wife of Pharoah, Akhenaten. The bust can now be seen at the Altes Museum, Berlin Photo from the Photo Researchers collection

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