I had a fantastic time at AniRevo2022! An entire team of friends came to help me set up and pack up because I was sustaining injuries. Seriously.. you guys are amazing!

The last image is what we cosplayed as, the original art from the creator of Helltaker: vanripperart

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今日から 日本より声優の小西 克幸さんと古谷徹さんがいらしています。娘たちが明日より参戦!私は過去絵でもあげておきましょう☺️
長女はクロコダイル、長女の彼氏くんはナナミン、次女はリンクのコスプレで参戦予定 さで、どうなることやら。。。私は参戦しませんがとにかく楽しみです

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I drew Saber from Fate for as well! pls come by A122 today if you would like one!

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I drew Albedo from Overlord for . pls come by A122 today if you would like a print!

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Hi everyone! is just about to start it's first day! Come find me at Table A10, and participate in the sticker rally!

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Tomorrow is Day 1 of !! Come over to A124 in the Artist Alley to say hi ✨ It's the first Canadian con for my Valorant charms! I'm also debuting some of my popular 4x6 print designs as charms too! Make sure to come and check them out! (1/2)

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Me and Syd's catalogue for this weekend's AniRevo! I'll see you guys there 🥰

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Heyyy I am a part of a sticker rally this weekend at check it outttt :)

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Hihi! Guess i should post my merch catalogue here too LOL— Will be tabling at AniRevo this weekend!! Come visit me at A85! 👼🏻 1/2

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Here's more details on the AniRevo Summer Sticker Rally! Come find me and any 4 other friends to get our sticker pack <3

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Our first appearance in Vancouver, BC🐧
Meet Beep Beep the Penguin next weekend in

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So lucky to get a last minute artist alley table in the \(^0^)/
SugarFree got placed at the far left of the hall.
48 is corner table, hoorayyyyyyyy!

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「Save by Winning // Win by Saving」
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lol, forgot to post this, but I'll be turning this & 2-3 other pieces into prints for

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