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▷ My name is ATEM.

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Chyba muszę dorzucić swoje 3 grosze w wiadomej plagiatowej sprawie.

Pierwsza wersja okładki do mojej książki o depresji była plagiatem. Ktoś na to zwrócił uwagę i Monika ją zmieniła.

Niestety okładka „Borderline…” się nie uchroniła. Nie wiem jak z „Chadem…”.

9 73

Sketchtober. Demon King Atem. Again 💦💦🥵


4 27

Hi! day 26! Here's my OC, Maat, and Atem. ^^
She can be present in the Memory World (Season 5 of YGO!DM) and has a role (drama is coming...😈). But she's mainly created for my Ancient Egypt AU.😋

I hope you like it!😊

1 7

Here's a little drawing of Atem. It was a very spontaneous sketch that I started at night and colored for a few hours the next day. Eh, some things don't look right about it but I'm done working on it, haha.

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When I discovered Takahashi's work when I was 5, I wanted to draw like him. Since then I strived to improve my art, starting off with just drawing Atem. The more I evolved, the more influence I took from him. If it weren't for him, I probably would not become the artist I am now.

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( ㊙️ ) Mors tantum pro certo habet victoriam ut primas nobis tribuit aetatem. '-

idk go lgbt+ people

14 32

En memoria de

Y mi gato se llama Atem...

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Goodbye Kaz! Thank you for creating my favorite character in the whole world, Pharaoh Atem. You have left a mark behind that artists like me will be influenced by for many years to come! I hope you enjoy my tribute to you! Take care! 🙏

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I think for me it’s Yugi and Atem, I always saw myself in Yugi and as I grow up I hope to become confident as Atem. I always loved the Dark Magician archetype to the point that while I no longer play yugioh I always have my Dark Magician Deck.

1 9

Keeping it real: the vivid of Atem’s photography explores the personal and the political via the intimacy of

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Eu gosto de fazer design de personagem/sona/roupas.

Me contratem.

21 70

Okay eu fiz um """oc""" do mod de (espero ter escrivido certo isso) e sinceramente eu n sei onde ele se encaixaria pra algum esporte, mas ele gosta bastante do mar. Mas é isso, pfvr n me matem.(E tem o Punkay ali pq eu acho que eles seriam "amiguinhos ",eu acho).

1 29

Z tęsknoty za innym światem...
Grafiki polecane niezmiennie.

12 94

Sancta Maria succurre miseris,
juva pusillanimes,
refove flebiles:
sentiant omnes tuum juvamen
quicumque celebrant
Tuam admirabilem maternitatem.

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