Ich war. Ich werde Staub, den Füße trampeln.
Ich weiß es. Ihr. Ihr starbet lang & seid.
Die Krämer rechnen & die Narren hampeln;
Ihr wartet schweigend unter roten Ampeln
So sanft & unerbittlich wie das Leid

Gertrud 10.12.1894- 3.3.1943

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Look at them! Look at the cuteness, the warmth! Today's preview is from the lovely illustration by our Nekolmart 💕

Order your copy here: https://t.co/fL1OaLM0bB

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La terra languisce di anno in anno
come una madre che i figli non curano.
Essi disprezzano i suoi spettrali, arruffati capelli,
i suoi modi pazzi e antiquati

Gertrud Kolmar

Frida Kahlo, Radici, 1943

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(NOTE: these are NOT previews of the zine's pieces)

New day, new spotlights! Today we have our writer and our page artist Nekolmart 🌺

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A very soft oc sketch for @\nekolmart_2.0 over on Instagram ☺️💕💕

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