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BGE69話の再会後あたりのお話 / 全12p(+おまけ2p) / CP要素薄めですがダイユキです!

30 83

Hi, that's a nice idea, thanks for the share !
I'm Chloé, artist and previz designer at Ubisoft Paris on BGE2. Working on several comic projects on my free time 🌸✨

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Wusstest du, dass du den auch easy von Zuhause unterschreiben kannst?
Schau mal hier vorbei: https://t.co/M1Xe1BOSdc

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Nouvelle salve d'artworks sur lesquels on retrouve l'ancien design de Jade qui a l'époque était appelée Sally !

5 32

L'exposition "Ubisoft : Une odyssée Montpelliéraine" vient d'ouvrir ses portes au Campus Créatif de Montpellier !
Des œuvres autour de Beyond Good & Evil, Rayman entre autres y sont exposées et notamment des artworks inédits pour notre plus grand plaisir !

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Pour les 18 ans du jeu, quelques artworks de Beyond Good & Evil et de sa somptueuse planète Hillys !

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every so often, i think about how stupidly good BGE was

fantastic world cohesion, adresses media manipulation, corporate capitalism, biodiversity, led by a badass girl that doesn't take shit from anyone.

sparkle some Pokemon snap elements that makes the player WANT to explore..

0 2

Ubisoft annonce que est maintenant prévu pour une sortie sur l'année fiscale 2022/2023 (autant dire qu'on a le temps 🙃)

Sinon aucun mot sur Projet chaotique et douloureux qui se cherche depuis maintenant 11 ans 😐

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Hey let us know if you see some friends of ours up there...

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I've been staring at concept art for for what seems like forever. So of course I turn into a 3 year old when follows me. Go follow Morgan!

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Another impulse of imagination was embodied in a new work. My eighth ZXArt ZXSpectrum editor BGE 3.12 emulator UNREAL

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I imagined an interesting angle in my head and decided to implement it in my favorite image editor. My eighth ZXArt ZXSpectrum editor BGE 3.12 emulator UNREAL

4 18

I present to your attention another confrontation between good and evil! Who will win? My seventh ZXArt ZXSpectrum editor BGE 3.12 emulation UNREAL

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„SPD-Kanzlerkandidat Scholz lehnt bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen ab:
Pilotprojekt meldet nach nur 3 Tagen eine Million Bewerber“

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I totally forgot to post it! But i commissioned the amazing a while ago to make Shani from and i am so happy how it turned out!

He really did her justice and can't wait when i have my little office done so i can display it there!

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