画質 高画質

fantasy themed (like rpg) and many coins
i love your bgs too much! (I rcognize the first one!)

0 8

I like using 3d models as a base for BGs. You can add the rendering and colors manually after setting the angle and composition.

Might make a tutorial if people are interested.

0 13

Thank you so much for coming to the premiere!

I was in charge of recreating these iconic stills for the MV (+ some other BGs)
It was so much fun learning how to do these colors

hbd again~


63 387

Last note: I’m a character designer that learned bgs because I was bored with my work. I didn’t start off admiring a building like I do now.

Challenge yourself but reasonably. If you take on too much it gets stressful. One foot in a comfort zone, another foot in a new skill.

33 329

babu! sender butuh saran, next ada rencana ngepull nahida dan pengen bikin tim buat keqing sender yg nganggur :c kalo kq-nahida-kazuha-baizhu bgs kah? rencananya kq pake 4tf+mist

0 3

My contribution to "Rogue on The Rocks" short directed by for Hoyofair!!
I worked on some BGs, thanks again for having me in this amazing team!🙏💙 https://t.co/x4D5BmPvmi

29 135

Artist! Aku lg iseng gbr mata. Cmn klo liat referensi di internet, aku ngerasa shadingnya ini kurang wah/glowing gitu. Kyk flat bgt. Boleh dikasih tips & saran cara shading yg bgs gmn ya?😭🙏

0 6

Start looking out for the new BGS movie

Just saw a Spanish translation getting passed around

1 28

Share some 5 year art improvement!
Pushing myself to get better at a painterly style and not just put blurred pic BGs 💦 https://t.co/DZnvZNldmO

3 33

learning more BGs from 2018-2019

7 59

some shitty coloring BGS

67 452


0 2


1 1

Close up

I can't draw BGs so. Don't judge.

2 7

hoje saiu a segunda parte da primeira temporada de o menino maluquinho na netflix! muitos episódios que tão mais do que perfeitos <3 mais alguns bgs que agora posso divulgar com vcs!!

42 318


1 47

i forgot twitter hates transparent bgs so here’s a temp. fix to that 🚶 https://t.co/h6qn1O0Ux1

4 5

little portrait because bgs tire me sometimes too 🙌| sorry for the amount of dazai fanart lately, i unfortunately i won't be stopping soon

20 79

Nouvelle illustration de Mai pour le nouveau Blu-Ray de BGS (anime + film)

7 54

It's the time for commission season again
this time you can even comm me full color with BGs as well!
I'll be accepting 7 slots btw
Payment: Paypal

23 43