Penny "RITA" Lavigne

Sophomore at MIT, majoring in Literature.

Kicking ass and taking names, with the extra talent of being a smart ass. Penny's the ultimate hard-head!

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Not 100% sure if I will leave it like this. But in any case, I had fun. Hope you all like it ~❤️


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Just how cute is this dorky alien?

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During the next 3 weeks at least there will be updates on BLU on Tuesdays. It's not such a big thing... but at least is something.


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Grumpiness. First update of the year. Page 153 updated!
Read it for free (English and Spanish) at:


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Yesterday I posted page 143, remember that there won't be updates during the next few weeks! But I'll be back surely around the first week of November!

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And Allen it's here. One like, one fact about Allen. I will have it up this week and move on to Tina by next week!

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Hello there! I just want to play a little game. Likely really short but... let's give it a try. One like=One canon fact about Blu as character.


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Here I am, procrasTINAting.

Badum, tss

(Yes, her name's Tina, just in case you're new to my comic)

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Page 95 is up! Everything is highly suspicious.


This Feb I will reach the 100 pages, SO EXCITING!!

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And yeah! new page of BLU up!
My baby is back!
Plus as promised... I am opening some slots for commissions!

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The year is about to end... and I felt like putting this together. It encourages me to see some improvement. I'm hyped to see how 2019 goes.


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I am actually surprised with the tech that Clip it's creating. It is quite impressive!

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So... Tina, you look like a flirt, my dear.
Remember, today it's update day!


And tonight we have Q&A session, there is one last spot for a question!

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I was not really meant to be doing this at this hour but... the ship train is strong in me.

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Today Chapter 5 has ended! don't miss it!
Plus I'll be streaming in around 20 minutes. Join me!!

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Setting the coordinates on the spaceship IA. Destiny: Your heart.
NAH just kidding. Only place possible... CAKE STORE!

Read it at:

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This is me this week. Remember I won't be doing streamings 'til Sunday 24th! But I will do Blu questions and Answers session on that day! Don't miss it!

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