My MHA Character that I took fuckin AGES to finish because I couldn't decide on the background.
Her name is Inko. May or may not be a ship kid. (its Deku and Urakaka, cause skipping a generation on quirks is funny concept)

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Here is my 2 2ndgen characters Uzacana Todoroki and Kerrisuki Kirishima.

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{#MHAfanchild : Chicken Nugget}
Meet Nobu Takami A fanchild I made of Hawks x Era (era belongs to my sister )
Nobu/ art (c) me UvU

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Riki has a toke & talk with uncle Sero. 👀

MHA2GEN comic on my P*treon $1 tier.
You’ll find out what happened to Sero later on. Also, he’s involved in some juicy drama later too. Beware. 😂

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excuse me, excuse me, lesbians coming through!

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NANI? OCXCANON FAN KID? Yep. I redesigned her for purposes of a rewrite of my au where she exists because I can. I originally named her Amaterasu Okami-Bakugo because it made sense in my head- But I've decided to change it and name her Artemis Okami-Bakugo


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I love this drawing and this boi- this is Toshiro Monoma, son of Neito Monoma and Itsuka Kendo - character by e_c_c_e_n_tric on TikTok

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I want to do a rp with Leo so damn bad. Anyone here have a oc? We could rp.

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