First of all the new spoilers.. Deku is like all grown up now and it’s making me emotional
Sorry to be so late with this coloring btw, it took longer than expected. This page was just underrated if you ask me

1 13

👏where👏 is👏 his👏 cape?!?!?

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Un nuevo redraw del reciente capitulo 308. Espero les guste, deku se ve demasiado épico uwu ❤️

5 37

Chapter totally worth the wait. Kota being brought up just made it even better in my opinion. Here’s some quick fanart on the two boys

4 37

Otro redraw que hice. Igual del reciente capitulo 308 uwu

5 36

MHA 308 "Raw power"
Coloured this panel from the raws and damn deku be lookin scary

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Dibuje las portadas de los sketches que no se usaron para el vol.30 ✨

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