BTS is/in Art Sunday re-post:

ART: Evocation of Butterflies, Odilon Redon (1910-1912)

57 221

Weekly Round-Up of Edits (page 2 of 2):

-Jack in the Box, Frederick George Cotman
-The Key, Jackson Pollock
-Window Opening on Nice, Raoul Dufy

10 50

PROOF layout (vers. 1)

1x header
2x pfp

(free to use, mix and match, see thread below for content)

14 41

Weekly Round-Up of Edits (page 2 of 2):

- Italian Osteria Scene..., Wilhelm Marstrand
- Blue and Grey, 1962, Mark Rothko
- Renwil Stephens Rabbit, Ksenia Sizaya

8 39

Weekly Round-Up of Edits (page 1 of 2):

- The Bewitched Mill, Franz Marc
- Interior with Piano, Pere Torné Esquius
- Lady Godiva, John Collier

14 84

Weekly Round-Up of Edits (page 2 of 2):

- Portrait of the Marquise de Miramon, Jacques Joseph Tissot
- Beach Scene, Edgar Degas
- Scheveningen Women..., Vincent van Gogh

6 45


( )

37 45

Weekly Round-Up of Edits (part 2):


-Evocation of Butterflies, Odilon Redon
-Nate's Smiley Face Painting, Nate Lowman
-C'est mon père qui l'a pêché!, Alfred Guillou

6 36


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157 840