Humming “Jenny of the Old Stones” literally all day and OBSESSING over the last episode
and have the most beautiful love story in the whole series💔#got

16 71

If you haven’t caught up on then spoiler warning! We’ve updated our illustrated guide to every single on-screen death. The only thing missing? ’s sanity after counting the

5 11

If they were at it would have been over a lot sooner.
5- Star Adventure
"Americana meets sword and sorcery fantasy"
and Print

3 2

リアナ・モーモント役のベラ・ラムジーがインスタで シーズン8撮影中のオフショット写真を複数枚UPしてくれました。共演者とのホノボノ2ショット写真がほとんどですが最後にはチョットばかしギョッとする写真も😂#LyanaMormont🐻#BattleOfWinterfell

111 387

Let’s take a second to acknowledge the sweet moment between Sansa and Tyrion via the crypt.

0 0


3 21

If they were at it would have been over a lot sooner.
5- Star Adventure
"Americana meets sword and sorcery fantasy"
and Print

2 1

Ay sorry po... ni-revise ko na po. eto na po. zoom na zoom na

2 26

"A good man"

"A brave girl"

"A true love"

"A loyal friend"


384 1617

Bran gave Arya the Valyrian steel dagger in the same spot she used it to kill the

4151 18147

GOT spoilers without context Season 8 ep. 3

114 367