Gov’t & Cops have failed America.
But We don’t give up, we persevere.
WE are the change. WE are hope. WE are Americans.
And we’re stubborn enough to see this storm through, & build a better tomorrow on the other side.

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Don’t forget to take the oppor-tuna-ty to be kind to each other during this time! 🐬💙🦈

Artwork (c) Lizzie Cavanagh

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An loving reminder from Natalie Dormady ✨💖 And remember that you are doing your best and that is good enough 💖✨

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Gotta say, I hate it when people don't respect artists' time and think their just slaves just because you pay them money.

people are people and should be treated kindly-


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Sending you all ❤️on this, the 1st day of our lockdown. To mark the occasion they let me loose on the front of the newspaper... ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

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