I swear if I make a full thread for Secret Wars II it's going to just devolves into thee many fashions of the Beyonder.

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just finished watching Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur and i definitely enjoyed it. here is a quick morning sketch since i really enjoyed the beyonder.

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Bruce is gonna be the Beyonder. In Secret Wars he’s gonna reveal how he was at a bar in Mexico, picked up a piece of black goo, and threw it in a machine next to a costume maker for shits and giggles.

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Eventually it turns out Roy is actually the Beyonder.

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[New Mutants Mar. 1986] Oh good, it’s another story where the entire superhero team tries to kill the omnipotent Beyonder. I’m sure this issue will be much more satisfying than the other thousand times they’ve done this same plot! [#cmro M6275]

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See what I mean?? Moondragon immediately goes back on her promise to the Beyonder. He should have immediately reappeared and taken his power back!

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*Meet the guy people fought over in Civil War 2. He has not shown up since.

Imagine being such a bad crossover character Marvel never uses again, your worse then Secret War 2 Beyonder.

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Since Charles' absence, Stevie Hunter is the Mansion staff (perhaps even more than the X-Men proper) most acquainted with the New Mutants–but their resistance to even her class shows just have destroyed they've been by the Beyonder.

She chastises Erik for intruding on her...

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...of undoing her great work in saving the universe from utter destruction by rebooting the universe.

If Rachel is a parallel to Erik's experiences with the Holocaust–as she reminds us while draining her team of their life forces–she is as much a parallel to the Beyonder...

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...with the rest of the X-Men to clean up the more recent wreckage of their actions fighting the Beyonder.

Even though he doesn't arrive in issue until its ending, the ripple of his horrible acts in New Mutants has reached into Uncanny, with Kitty again manifesting the armor...

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...and the reality that often, even marginalized folx perpetuate and participate in white/cis/hetero/male supremacy. (Which as a queer, *but* white cis man, is something I've had to contend with my own role in.)

Returning to the issue's plot, Rachel again senses the Beyonder...

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...dread hangs over the book that builds with each reappearance of the Beyonder.

Arguably a Secret Wars II tie-in, UXM never feels bogged down by that whole mess's content–rather, Claremont uses the Beyonder as a plot device rather than a plot driver.

His presence works...

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When I type the word “beyond” in a message on my phone, it tries to autocorrect to “Beyonder.” 🤦🏻‍♂️ I blame

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Yet aspects of Kurt’s gender performance are queered. Kurt doesn’t kiss the princess, but does joyfully kiss a holographic Arcade in female drag. Kurt also equates himself with the princess, recognizing her fear of Murderworld as similar to his fear of the Beyonder.

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Aforementioned Disco Space Goddess. Fun/Horrific detour as being a Phoenix host would be, I'd rather any level ups come naturally or be residual oomph from Galactus or Beyonder. 🤩

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Thomas Fireheart aka is a Native American bestowed by shamans of his tribe w/ power to assume a feral werecat form, in hopes he would realize a destiny of defeating the Commonly, his exploits lead him to cross paths w/ & the like!

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Dammit. I meant The Beyonder.

Molecule man doesnt look anything like Keanu Reeves

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