Show me the first artwork you ever got/made of your pirate, I wanna see where it all started!

My first artwork of Levi was made by @/sbigbro here on Twitter, fantastic artist!

2 18

dEMO, BigBrother, クーラーガール, 空中分解

2 7

今日描いたヤツ…( ˇωˇ )

16 76


1 14

MachiBigBrother sold 4 Azuki for Ξ50.790 ($93,462.74)

0 3

MachiBigBrother sold 88 HV-MTL for Ξ172.120 ($315,000.25)

1 9

今まで2人はお揃いの靴下を履いてるのかと思ってたけど、アルマロスくんが履いてるのは靴だった( ¨̮ )

35 157

~✨🌟💙🎤🪶🤎Michael Y Armaros🤎🪶🎤💙🌟✨~

~✨💕😊🔄😡 Swapped Personalities😡🔄😊💕✨~

Quede contenta con el resultado, espero les guste el dibujo://3

9 36

Ohayou, senpai! MachiBigBrother just sold 5 Azuki NFTs for Ξ66.680 ($121,131.55)! That's a lot of moolah, nya~! (^◡^)

2 5

Ohayou, senpai! MachiBigBrother just sold 2 Wrapped Cryptopunks for Ξ149.560 ($271,692.19)! That's a lot of yen! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

1 5

Konnichiwa! MachiBigBrother here! Just sold 6 Mutant Ape Yacht Club for Ξ79.510 ($144,608.02)! Arigatou gozaimasu! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

0 1

Ohayou, my dear! MachiBigBrother just sold 4 Azuki NFTs for Ξ55.400 ($100,790.33)! That's a lot of yen! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

0 2