Went back to my happy place with B&W portrait; this is 's character I didn't kill but who is mysteriously absent, Yara, for BitD. Also did a quick gradiant alt since he's sort of a ghost, -ish, kinda.

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My Favourite C64 Platformers No.20

Creatures 1/2 & Mayhem in Monsterland

Let me explain. These are clearly 3 of the 64's best platformers, but I never played them BITD. They’re all amazing, so I couldn’t not mention them, & if I'd had a 64 in the 90s, they’d all be top 5.

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Bill Willingham

A force among artists, I need a blog as there’s no way I can list it all here. My fave is his Minotaur from KotB that spent days looking at. I also included some cover work and his first comic that used to appear in Marvel BITD. Got a fave? Share here!

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My Favourite Games of 1985 – No.19


This classic space trading game is relatively low on my list as I just didn’t play it much BITD. Of course, the Beeb original is amazing, but on the 64 it’s a bit slow & flickery & at age 11, I was just too young to fully appreciate it.

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Released in May 1988, Professional BMX Simulator was a game that almost every gamer owned BITD. The 2nd game in the Codemasters' Super Sprint-inspired BMX series was similar to its predecessor but added a simultaneous four-player option. It earned 76% in issue 37 of ZZAP!64.

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