TEETHING is about three friends who experience the horrors of their small town only to discover that the rest of the world around them is so much worse. Featuring face blindness, prophetic dreams and vomiting teeth.

An adult animated sci-fi horror series I still dream of making.

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--Shakespeare sonnet 154--
To enlighten thee, gave eyes to blindness, Or made them swear against the thing they see...

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Love, its madness and its blindness, does not let us see the being we apparently love, because we hide his being with our own angels and demons.

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Mutants and Masterminds is such a goofy system

I’m playing at level 6 and this dude can instantly cure blindness, deafness, daze, fatigue, or impairment or reduce disability, exhaustion, or stuns in less than 6 seconds with a Swiss Army knife or some glass on the ground

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In darkened tunnels
Where light can't reach,
And deepest caverns
In lonely blindness,
The Crawler waits.
For those that stumble
Across its path,
A meal upon them makes.

Your 43rd prompt is: "crawler"

Be sure to tag

📸by Brandon Ellis via artstation

7 12

🎂Happy birthday, Mika-senpai!

🔦He has night-blindness, so he can’t see well in the dark.
🍬He carries around cheap candies to snack on, and often shares them with others.
🧸He repairs discarded stuffed toys he finds at the garbage dump.

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with a new name, an endearing inability to cook a tasty meal, an embarrassing case of face blindness, and being the center of a sad ballad of romance and doubt and promises kept,

Anju, formerly known as the cucco lady, has been promoted to the honorable position of Cutie Supreme

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Love, its madness and its blindness, does not let us see the being we apparently love, because we hide his being with our own angels and demons.

2 28

"BRENDA " Listed on

A beautiful lady of winter As The Snow drops ,Her Hair moves ,
A woman with the Ability to See Beyond anyone,Even with her Blindness, she sees Everything .

5/5 Editions


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Love, its madness and its blindness, does not let us see the being we apparently love, because we hide his being with our own angels and demons.

13 39


As The Snow drops ,Her Hair moves ,
A woman with the Ability to See Beyond anyone,Even with her Blindness, she sees Everything .

Coming to the Blockchain
Anticipate 🫂❤️

11 18

Thank you for sharing my work ❤️❤️❤️

Brilliance in Blindness, 0.35 eth

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"Kimiko with Gaia"

In the Normal Timeline, Gaia first meets Kimiko in 1937.

Being Blind, Kimiko saw Gaia in all her glory, like a lighthouse in the darkness!

After Gaia cures her blindness, Kimiko becomes very devoted to her!

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Her hair is really sort of a purply-red color, but the glass is so strongly tinted, that all color that passes through becomes shades of blue.

It's a slight nod towards colorblindness, since I have it partially.

Thank you for the kind words, she'd be very flattered

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Yeah, I think it's better to be something that "matches" but it's easy to know what is "important". Genshin is like that as well (but way better executed than SwSh xD).
One problem that I can see happening in PLA is problem with colorblindness, for example. But I can't confirm xD

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Can you see me? I cannot see you
Everything I thought I knew has fallen out of view
In this blindness, I'm condemned to

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On the older piece, you can really see the faceblindness, lol. The individual features are okay-ish, but boy howdy do they not make a face.

Sometime in 2019, I re-did everyone's portraits after I'd been freelancing with C7 for about three months.

I still like this one.

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War and anger shall reign
The clash of iron can be heard
By blindness, you're driven insane
I'm lost in anguish and grief
Sorrow won't wane 'til you die
A shattered body deeply hurt
And darkness will cover the light
It's gone forevermore

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Thos is Lenny. He's a nature enthusiast who likes to take outdoor photos in the moonlight. Unfortunately, he suffers from night blindness, and he sometimes bumps into trees and gets a booboo. Luckily, he always carries his bandaids with him, because he's prepared.

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As someone with color blindness, I'm always hesitant about adding color to my drawings. What do you guys think?

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