Yeti. Looking kinda lost in the jungle. Part of a game project I’m working on.

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Young Rick Sanchez and Birdperson. As seen in S5 E8 Rickternal Friendshine of the Spotless Morty. sketchy art.

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Little green man. sketchy art,

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The Grand Finale! Fusion! For 6 of 6 carnival themed drawings. sketchy art.

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Side Shows. For 5 of 6 carnival themed drawings this month. sketchy art.

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Update of an older post: bigger heads n’ brighter colors, same weirdness. sketchy art.

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Mr. Whoops-Uh-Oh takes your best thoughts. sketchy art.

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Nero fiddled while Rome burned.

My digital paint of the popular legend (having fun with lighting). sketchy art.

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Secret Ruler. If our collective plight is easier viewed through an interdimensional lizard lens.. you’re silly.. but fun. sketchy art.

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ModLuigu or Scooter Punk Waluigi… for Smash Brothers. sketchy art.

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My Mains (updated). I play Smash Bros a lot.. I draw it a lot. sketchy art.

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Merfolk. Art for another just under the buzzer! sketchy art.

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Arctic scene for an upcoming episode.

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Quarantine Nights. 300X. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. At least Annie is around, don’t know how any of y’all are pulling this off alone. sketchy

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Me BQ. Food mascots are upsetting.

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Hyrule needed saving. Link is a hero... How much he seemed to enjoy the saving.. And he never speaks..
sketchy art.

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Boiling Frog. Why hop out the pot when you can luxuriate? The sky is orange... sketchy art.

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Dead Man’s Party.

sketchy art.

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