I:The Magician(Borealopelta markmitchelli)
I like to keep the identical items from the original card or hide them in the environment. Like in this one the identical objects for the magician are wood,coin,glass and sword.

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Borealopelta! an exquisitly preserved Ankylosaur from North America, we know thanks to its preserved pigment cells that it was countershaded: rust red on top and sand-ish brown on the bottom!

(image courtesy of the museum)

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One day we’re going to find an (almost) fully articulated, ridiculously well preserved Spinosaurus specimen that got washed out and buried in marine sediment like Borealopelta. When we do a golden age of peace will be upon us.

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Nope! There's others like Borealopelta and Microraptor, who also have been found with preserved melanosomes!

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Thanks to and , I just learned about the fossil Lystrosaur today, and it's SO cool we have another addition to the fossil mummy gang!

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Doodling borealopelta

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I did one with some fun colored sketches!
We have...
Dinosaur (Borealopelta, one of my favorites!)
Bull (or Minotaur)
And Alligator Gar

I may do more later if I’m feeling it. There was a lot of suggestions I liked!

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It is
We begin with Hungarosaurus, Borealopelta, Ankylosaurus and Euoplocephalus.
Share your favorite osteoderm carrier with us :3

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Updated the Sinosauropteryx and Borealopelta. Thx to and for pointing out stuff I missed https://t.co/b7FSGYRk6S

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This tweet is brought to you by the letter N, for nodosaurs. Unlike ankylosaurs, they have large shoulder armour and long, slender skulls, like this Edmontonia. Our most famous nodosaur is Borealopelta. Art by Julius Csotonyi © .

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Take a break from scrolling and say hi to this socially awkward Borealopelta.

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Certainement le dino le mieux conservé! Borealopelta, un nodosauridé vieux de 110 Ma, a été trouvé par des mineurs au Canada. Il est parfaitement préservé en 3D et avec la peau! Rarissime! Tellement bien conservé qu'on a pu déterminer sa couleur: brun rougeâtre. Images Nat Geo

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Borealopelta, requested by , with guidance from his model and !

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