Since we'll find out today which swivel-eyed no-mark will replace the Babbling Fatberg, perhaps it's time to revisit this doodle from a while ago.

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Back in the good ol’ days when BoJo had a potty heid instead of scanty pants on his toilet brush noggin. He must have said he’d done cocaine “once” at the time, aye it’s all captured in cartoon technicolour for po(s)t(eri)ty.

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I’m back from the dead (again). This week’s cartoon for “Monkey See, Monkey do” Boris has announced zoos will reopen.

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Today’s cartoon for is the last one 😢Hopefully they can fundraise to bring me back on board. 🙏🏻❤️ Big thanks to Mike for the last year: best editor ever

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My cartoon for tomorrow. The raging battle between covid and the vaccines, in the hands of BoJo and his minions.

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Brian Adcock on the NHS struggling, some people not helping.   – political cartoon gallery in London

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Accidentally deleted this, but now's as good a time as any to repost this portrait of Boris Johnson. An empty husk, devoid of principle, wrecking everything he touches. Even his one guiding star is wilting in his hand.

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Brian Adcock: No amount of extra time will breath life into the Boris fantasy Brexit. - political cartoon gallery in London

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Brian Adcock: Reality is dawning for our delusional narcissistic leader. - political cartoon gallery in London

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Brian Adcock: Boris has some bridge building to do. - political cartoon gallery in London

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Brian Adcock: is annoyed this story and the hungry children wont go away. - political cartoon gallery in London

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Brian Adcock: Matt Handjob is not ruling out even tougher restrictions! - political cartoon gallery in London

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