Boromir: Intenté arrebatarle el Anillo. Perdóname. Os he fallado a todos.
Aragorn: No, Boromir. Has luchado con valentía. Has conservado tu honor.
Boromir: Te habría seguido, mi hermano, mi capitán, mi Rey...
Aragorn: Ve en paz, hijo de Gondor.


124 681

Atmospheric Middle Earth inspired illustrations by American artist Matthew Stewart 🧙‍♂️⚔️

Eowyn and the Nazgul
The Horn of Boromir
The Voice of Isengard

0 0

The Death of Boromir at Amon Hen this art is brilliant.

0 0

No thoughts only Boromir and Aragorn (again)💅

40 151

I have no idea what timeline is this, afterlife au, boromir lives au, I don't care, I've read a bunch of fics lately and have ✨feelings✨ about Boromir having hopeless crush on Aragorn, sorry

32 130


8 33

ゴンドール 白の塔の大将 ボロミア


87 203

Today in Middle-earth History: The breaking of the Fellowship (art: The Horn of Boromir, Matt Stewart)

23 109

So here are 3 Boromir heads, 1 Faramir and 1 ring. Random sketches because I just want to draw these men 🥵

30 134

crying over boromir’s death even tho I’ve seen it like hundreds of time

0 8

Boromir's job interview for the Fellowship of the Ring (comic w/ )

3 7

Boromir Arrives at Rivendell
by Joshua Cairos

133 1678

where now is boromir the fair? he tarries and i grieve.

57 354

Boromir: Te habría seguido, mi hermano, mi capitán, mi Rey...
Aragorn: Ve en paz, hijo de Gondor.
Aragorn se despide de Boromir.


152 1238


クリスマス🎄party ではっちゃける執政兄弟

Merry Xmas♡♡♡

13 36

Gimli, Legolas and Boromir

5217 29875