Ya aquí era un poco más mayor y Boromir me entrenaba...

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Here's my contribution for the Boromir playing the horn of Gondor with the marching band

3 4

One does not simply deny that Boromir is super rad

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26 Feb III 3019: The Breaking of the Fellowship and the death of Boromir
(artist: Steve LeCouilliard)

11 12

Boromir and Faramir!

9 50

26 February (3019 TE) Death of at Amon Hen. His horn is heard in Minas Tirith.

2 5

26 Febbraio (3019 Terza Era) Muore Boromir figlio di Denethor ad Amon Hen difendendo Merry e Pipino.

1 2

My artwork for Faramir & Boromir "The Lord of The Rings"

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boromir and the hobbits

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Day 18 - Saddest death: Thorin and Boromir💔💔💔

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