It’s a appreciation day! Anybody see the movie? I heard...mixed reviews...

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Knocked out a bunch of characters for including here.

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I had SO MUCH FUN at Seeing people’s reaction to this piece was pretty amazing, I also had to apologize a bunch for making people feel feelings. Thanks to everyone who came by, to those who picked something up from me, to all the great people I met!

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More from your requests! I’ll be doing these for $20 each at this weekend. Get at me if you want to preorder or snag one of these!

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Had so much fun doing your requests on I'll be doing commissions like these at for $20 a pop. Let me know if you want to preorder one or snag one of these (some already are sold).

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Been having a blast doing these in preparation for from was such a great

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I painted this special for Will most likely get prints made up but I would love to know what you guys think about it. Had the idea when translated

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to my take on I'll have this and LOTS of other paintings available at in two weeks!! Artist alley table a303. Come on by!

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BOSTON COMIC CON COMMISSIONS! If you are interested in getting one, I will be opening up a limited amount of commissions for Boston on my online store ( this Saturday, July 14th, at 5pm EST. This will be for pick up only.

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I'll be at in a month! I'll be doing some day of commission like my buddy the here.

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Your Name - I love this movie so much I can’t even <3
I’ll have prints of this for I’m so excited!

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Finally sharing what Corgli was up to at ! (Aka

It was a BUSY weekend! 😥😍

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Promisd 2 have prints from up Monday
lil late so added16 new charms like this 1 to make up 4 it

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This was an interesting pre-show commission I just finished.

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this weekend, table AA203, 17x22 canvas prints being sold, limited.

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Filling up for at Find me in this weekend and get one for yourself or a friend.

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