It may be but never forget your one true love, the homies. Make sure to kiss them goodnight <3


15 229

Started this yesterday for didn’t finish it until today.
I’ve always compared the dynamic of Espresso & Madeleine Cookies to Bert & Ernie, so I imagined they’d dress as them for Halloween!

6 22

It's a little late for but let me show you my boys 💗

1 3

had no idea it was so
here's to my best friend of 10+ years who i recently started holding hands with
I'm hoping to spend many more years with this dweeb. 🧡 🧡

6 52

I'm not too late lol!! Keelio!! 💙💙💙💙 Love, Lily 🐯💚

1 9

Since it's who do you think would make a better BF for Moth: unnamed jogging horse with nice butt or Cody?

0 14

Noticed that Today is so why not show some stuff I made a while back related to my BF, .

2 4

For I present these two

🎨: Me, @/TaterTotToto, @/lizard_soup

1 15

I know I'm late for but...

15 83

Since it's I wanted to draw something for my new boyfriend cause I love him! His favorite character is Shaggy from Scooby Doo so I drew something based on a scene from the Alien Invaders movie with my favorite, Launch from Dragon Ball.

1 12


I heard its so I just wanted to say is the sweetest most amazing guy ever and I love him to death 💙💙💙💙

Art by !

0 8

Today is but as I don't have one now, I just want to say something for someone who was really special to me.

., I love you, and I hope that you will find someone better than me, this half of a year was the best time in my life.

Thank you ❤️

1 15

Because of why not show off these power couples of the best good boys? ...well, most of em anyway. ;)

Art by

29 127

Happy I'll be your birbfriend for the day!

10 45

Parece ser el así que quiero decir lo mucho que amo a mi novio 💛 💛

¡Te amo mucho, mi grandulón! ¡Espero que te mejores! A pesar de la distancia nos queremos mucho y siempre estaremos juntos! ✨

17 53

For we make an ode to the boys who are always there for their soulmate. Who are your personal favorite anime boyfriends?

68 366