Hey friends/artists! I'm hoping to commission a poster for and wanted to give more details.

- 24x36 @ 150 DPI (12x18 @ 300?)
- Spooky Cute Anime Aesthetic
- Colourful (lots of pinks and purples)

My WIP poster is attached for reference of what I was going for.

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Second stream working on The Scholar, and I'm now much happier with his design! Portrait and animations up next!

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🔴 [ live ] dev stream, preparing for Here's a glimpse at the up and coming tutorial levels (optional)! It's been a while since I've shown BBA, so feel free to ask me any questions!🤗


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is a character based brick-breaker where your broom is your paddle, and using your magic abilities you can gather ingredients to brew potions, face off in rival battles, and battle powerful bosses.

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Live with a dev stream! Showcasing the game in a week at a local event, taking care of odds and ends that need to get done.


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Chomp, and spit animations are roughed out, pretty satisfied. Will be sharing them soon, in the meantime here is the rough of Ahriman's hit stun frame

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Cleaned up what I am calling Nature's Flight, a plant themed "broom" for

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New brooms in the works for I can't decide which is my favourite, hobby horse or star rod 🤔

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