Daily Digimon
Time: 2 hours and 2 minutes

kinda like the colors on this one actually (shocking)

116 396

Doodled these while visiting my parents' house, lol. This little dude has grown on me. I might start up my pendulum 20 and raise one when I find the time.

23 58

Tuit de apreciación de las variaciones de Agumon que hemos visto ya en el y las pocas que nos faltan por ver:

-Agumon (2006)

12 29

El un poco serio pero con su gracia, BUSHIAGUMON!!!

Otra comisión para mi buen y queridisimo amigo

14 54

BushiAgumon's LCD debuted in 2006 in the DigiWindow, but we only saw its official art 12 years after that in the Pendulum 20th!!

35 99