Perhaps Clarence Thomas is ok with revisiting that Loving v. Virginia after all?

Follow for more cartoons!

22 41

“The Supreme Court has effectively rendered gun restrictions presumptively unconstitutional.

This is a revolution in Second Amendment law.”

🎊🎉Happy Birthday 🎂
Clarence Thomas 🎊🎉


345 764

This week's cartoon for the newsletter takes a scary look into Clarence and Ginni Thomas' bedroom.

21 62

“Clarence Thomas" must -resign
His wife placed him…. in a -bind

Squeezed—FED. workers to sign an oath
Pledging loyalty to the evil—orange—oaf

When it comes to Trump ….he must—recuse
Or his seat he must—lose

44 67

After being sworn into by (husband of in video used for re-election
-what is grounds for recusal from cases?
ByeBye SCOTUS integrity

0 1

After being sworn into by (husband of in video used for re-election
- what is grounds for recusal from cases?
ByeBye SCOTUS integrity.

14 40

It would be great if Kavanaugh's confirmation could be stopped ... but don't count your chickens before Orrin Hatch.

315 996