Spring Landscape, Gustave Courbet.

23 150

The origin of the universe ~
The surrealistic embryo and ovary allowed me to delve deep into my imagination and experience what it might feel like to carry a lifeform inside your body.
Title inspired by Gustave Courbet 🙌
2 more days to submit✌️

0 1

Il mare non ha paese nemmeno lui, ed è di tutti quelli
che lo stanno ad ascoltare, di qua e di là dove nasce
e muore il sole.
Giovanni Verga I Malavoglia

🖌️Gustave Courbet

9 31

Please give a follow to Gustave Courbet if you are not following already

2 5

Young Ladies Beside the Seine, by French painter Gustave Courbet (1857). Musée des Beaux-Arts de la ville de Paris.

74 465

"Bonjour Monsieur Courbet". Graphite on cardboard (2003)
A play on the rather silly painting by Courbet.
In my version he meets himself. https://t.co/751kTcohX1

105 1947

🌊 Courbet was much struck by the spectacle of a young woman who went out into the waves by herself, clothed only in a simple sleeveless shirt and with her long hair blowing in the wind...
🏛 Murauchi Art Museum
Woman in a Podoscaphe, 1865 Gustave Courbet

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Gustave Courbet - The Wave

131 818

The Meeting (Bonjour Monsieur Courbet) (1854)
by Gustave Courbet
Style: Realism

4 15

A Medic piece that was inspired by “the desperate man” gustave courbet

1 5

il pane sacro, il pane laico,
il pane ordinario,
il pane quotidiano,
il pane come una grande metafora dell'umanità.
Quando il pane si faceva con le mani, in casa

Gustave Courbet🖌️
1819- 1877

5 10

Puoi leggere, leggere, leggere: che è la cosa più importante che si possa fare in gioventù: piano piano ti sentirai arricchire dentro, avvertirai dentro di te quell'edizione speciale che è la cultura
PP. Pasolini


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Talvolta penso che il paradiso sia leggere continuamente, senza fine.
Virginia Woolf


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Hunter on Horseback, recovering the trail, 1864 by Gustave Courbet

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Gustave Courbet
Original Title: Marine
Date: 1865 - 1866

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