I'm getting ready to stream and beta test the one shot I made ❤️ this is the banner. It translate to "The Crystal Maiden" and will be broadcasted live on Sunday 😁💕

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y las cimitarras que en la magia, aquí tienen un vistazo de como era mi estilo de dibujo antes de estudiar ilustración, para este reto quise revisitar mi diseño original con las habilidades y software con que cuento ahora.

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Here is my party where Radolak plays, actually there are more players in that table now.
In the first sessions Radolak hated everyone.

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And now he is "Sokra" he is a Goblin barbarian, and yes he is a fucking idiot but he loves everyone.

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He is "Erdan"!!
Is a Bard Firbolg, and is very calm-soft.
It was only for a longshot but i really like him <3

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He is "Radolak" is my character of my main dnd campaign. He is a Fighter Arcane archer, and now is learning to be a wizard. He is very intolerant xD.

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