Combattiamo contro tre giganti mio caro Sancho. L'ingiustizia, la paura e l'ignoranza. Miguel de Cervantes.

38 157

Cervantes and Catalina commission from Anonymous! Since they do not have a account here. I am so happy they commissioned my characters. ❤️

38 221

«Oh, invidia, radice di mali infiniti e tarlo delle virtù!»

(Miguel de Cervantes - Don Chisciotte della Mancia)
David da Costa

51 99

“Oh,invidia,radici di mali infiniti e tarlo delle virtù”
Miguel de Cervantes
Don Chisciotte della Mancia

15 20

«Oh, invidia, radice di mali infiniti e tarlo delle virtù!»

(Miguel de Cervantes - Don Chisciotte della Mancia)

7 22

Today's drawing practice. OC Carmen de Cervantes! My dear Rose's mother.

1 9

Sands Of Time
Written by Jonaxx

20 64

Season 2 Western Fellas
Franky Cervantes, Amadeus Peterson, Timeo, Scarecrow

0 2

Cervantes and Catalina height difference.

41 213

Cervantes is very conceited swordsman when it comes to his well known skills. Although he has a very eccentric behavior, he's very charming and quite the narcissist. He's incredibly smug, and a ladies man with a sense of class that isn't afraid to brag about his wealth and fame🧵

4 35

Don Quixote
"To surrender dreams - this may be madness..."
Miguel De Cervantes


289 144

'A proverb is a short sentence based on long experience.'

Miguel de Cervantes
Spanish Author of Don Quixote
1547 - 1616

0 4

Le 16 janvier 1605, la première édition d'« El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha » de Miguel de Cervantès est publiée à Madrid, en Espagne.

Une bonne occasion pour dépoussiérer l'ouvrage numérique sur la BNF/Gallica :

11 43