Hey there! I feel make a difference through my art through your collaboration. Shooting my shot and thank you for the opportunity. Here are just a few pieces of my work

https://t.co/LMP1SOQY09 and my IG @ https://t.co/ISX3VsyUES

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Oh yea, finished this commission too!
Trainer and team shot :) (I get these requests quiet a bit)
https://t.co/12OSTUuDrs <-process

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A cameraman being chased by ninjas?? I wonder who exactly is in trouble here...🦊😁
Just a few variations of the many.

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Still up doing homework on Frankenstein, but finished my art assignment for it. 💪🏾 Here's the monster


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Late commission post! This commission is to a son whose father passed away. Even though he's gone physically, he's always right by your side. You're still a team. 💪🏿

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A family that watches anime together, stays together! Commission of this family cosplaying as characters from 'My Hero Academia' in 2 variations 🙌🏾🎨❤️

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Yo! I'm Chris and new to Twitter! I'm a freelance illustrator (digital/traditional), a painter, muralist, animator, and learning 3D! 🎨✊🏿


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