Cross-platform Stretch Goal has been unlocked for Let's keep the momentum going as we march toward 5K!

IndieGoGo Link:

FMC Link (BETA2023 for 20% off):

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Ladies, Gentlemen, and whatever else strikes your fancy, we have 2 Days left until the end of the first 30 of We are less than $500 away from making the first stretch goal! You can help us by backing and sharing this campaign out far and wide:

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Only $90 away from funding Back today if you want the metal trading card!

Reminder, chromium Chrome-Dog sticker is the first stretch goal reward for reaching $3,500.00:

IndieGoGo Campaign:

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Final () pencils for Cover B of Inks and colors coming soon!

is mixed with with a bit of (#TMNT) and

Get your FREE PDF Preview Ashcan here!:

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