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Day One: College AU
#aotrarepair #AOTrareweek @rarepairaot
#conmin #conniespringer #arminarlert
I'd really like to make charms of the WangXian and WenZhou chibis...but I have no upconming cons in which I could bring them, so I'd only be able to offer them through preorders :_). Is anybody interested?
Icons para @velixcraft✨
- Agradezco el apoyo al máximo. ☺️
#Minecraft #MinecraftServer #IconMinecraft
Hey Minnesota folks!!!
I’ll be at Crypticon from September 10th-12th I’ll have copies of the new comic HORRORIUM written by @kylestrahm_ & @darkcirclecomics art by Kyle, @dead_gremlin_comix , @jonathanlamantia , @bm00dy , @kristoforharris and me. #horrorium #crypticonminneapolis
My two latest Harry Potter Lexicon Minute podcasts discuss magic and dueling in OP36. Give them a listen!
#PotterLexiconMinute #TheOnlyOneHeEverFeared
#PotterArt by Bethany Minervino
Probablemente no lo lo publiqué aquí pero e-
Sin hastags, ¿Para qué? lol.
Order of the Phoenix Chapter 2 – Kneazles
"According to Rowling, these animals are not simply cats. She said on her old website that Mrs Figg’s cats are actually cat-Kneazle cross breeds. "
#PotterArt by NicoPony
Podcast episode: "The History of the History of the Wizarding World"
How do we know all the details of the timeline of the Wizarding World as found on the Lexicon?
#PotterLexicon #PotterHistory
#PotterArt by Nastja Stark
La Ley abjura de la hechicería, pero entre sus filas cultivan la teurgia, es decir, el arte de invocar a los espíritus llamados virtudes. Estas son conminadas a habitar artefactos especialmente diseñados, dando lugar a los temidos autómatas de la Ley. Más en #TierrasQuebradas.
Minesa tiene hambre
Caricatura #166
Instagram: @mamarracho2020
Twitter: Mamarrachero
#Colombia #santurban #paramodesanturban #conminesamaspobreza #santurbanesvida #caricatura #caricaturacolombia #santander #mamarracho #Minesa #mineria #oro #gold
#Caricatura #Colombia #Nación #Santurbán #SanturbanNoSeToca #MinesaMasPobreza #ConMinesaMasPobreza #ReactivarLaMineriaEs #JusticiaPorSanturban - 29. 07. 2020 - 677. Propuesta por proyecto minero de la compañía Minesa que afectaría el páramo de Santurbán. 🌿🌿🌿
Feel terrible for not promoting this earlier but will be at #GalaxyConMinneapolis this weekend booth 632. For anyone attending I would be beyond appreciative if you came by even to say hi!