I'd really like to make charms of the WangXian and WenZhou chibis...but I have no upconming cons in which I could bring them, so I'd only be able to offer them through preorders :_). Is anybody interested?

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Hey Minnesota folks!!!
I’ll be at Crypticon from September 10th-12th I’ll have copies of the new comic HORRORIUM written by & s art by Kyle, mix , a , , and me.

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My two latest Harry Potter Lexicon Minute podcasts discuss magic and dueling in OP36. Give them a listen!

by Bethany Minervino

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Probablemente no lo lo publiqué aquí pero e-
Sin hastags, ¿Para qué? lol.

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Order of the Phoenix Chapter 2 – Kneazles
"According to Rowling, these animals are not simply cats. She said on her old website that Mrs Figg’s cats are actually cat-Kneazle cross breeds. "

by NicoPony

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Podcast episode: "The History of the History of the Wizarding World"

How do we know all the details of the timeline of the Wizarding World as found on the Lexicon?

by Nastja Stark

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La Ley abjura de la hechicería, pero entre sus filas cultivan la teurgia, es decir, el arte de invocar a los espíritus llamados virtudes. Estas son conminadas a habitar artefactos especialmente diseñados, dando lugar a los temidos autómatas de la Ley. Más en

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- 29. 07. 2020 - 677. Propuesta por proyecto minero de la compañía Minesa que afectaría el páramo de Santurbán. 🌿🌿🌿

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What's a Jearmin? I only know Conmin 🐸🍵

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First Aruonnie try (or Conmin) 💚💙

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Feel terrible for not promoting this earlier but will be at this weekend booth 632. For anyone attending I would be beyond appreciative if you came by even to say hi!

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