Meet Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot's work, "Figure en sous-bois" (c. 1860-70), which translates to "Figure in the undergrowth." See this and other works at starting January 22. Charcoal on brown paper, 17 1/8 x 11 2/3 in.

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Would you rather spend this Saturday by "Pond" or in pastoral print?

1. Corot, The Pond, ca. 1868–70. Oil on canvas
2. Rembrandt, Landscape with Three Trees, 1643. Etching, drypoint, and engraving

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'Landscape.' Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot was the pre-eminent French landscape painter of the first half of the 19th century. Corot's France is a melancholically beautiful place, wan and silvery.

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Embark on a country stroll down a winding path in Switzerland during today's 10 minute talk. Today we'll focus on Corot's 'Dardagny, Morning' in Gallery A at 4pm:

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Embark on a country stroll down a winding path in Switzerland during today's 10 minute talk. Today we'll focus on Corot's 'Dardagny, Morning' in Gallery A at 4pm:

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