AHHH this is like my redesign of from from the series Legend Quest cuz why not lol hehe,
I had fun painting her so yeah hehe

4 20

Color pallets for which one do you prefer??

(reposted due to one of the patented grammar mistakes that I actually saw)

8 54

Redesigning from my gods inktober back in 2017, I like how is turning out (And I really hope I can finish this one)

24 95

Xipe Totec, Coatlicue, Tezcatlipoca and Coyolxauhqui like a tokusatsu monsters.

12 43

Coyolxauhqui vs Coatlicue

46 285


6 8

For the celebration of Mexico’s Independence Day 🇲🇽♥️
I draw Coyolxauhqui goddess of the moon and leader of her brothers, the gods of the 400 southern stars.

🌑Night mode of light mode?🌕

2 14

Coyolxauhqui :3

3 6

My version of the with Coyolxauhqui. Decided to have her tongue sticking out, thought it made her look fiercer.

58 239

Dibujito referente a un vídeo del buen tio , de Huitzilopochtli apunto de darse en la madre con su hermana la Coyolxauhqui, me imagine una escena de los JoJo's XD

11 49

Coyolxauhqui, the celestial/moon aztec deity🌙

2 7

Coyolxauhqui, Aztec goddess of the moon

[rts appreciated]

97 211

“Dioses prehispánicos”
Ahskahd al fin ya pude saber más sobre los mexicas y cambiarles sus vestimentas ahskahd 👀👊💖
Ellos son Xochipilli, príncipe de las flores
Tláloc, Dios de la lluvia
Tonatiuh, Dios del sol
Y Coyolxauhqui diosa de la luna(?

2 8

The Coyolxauhqui Stone was rediscovered in 1978, on this day, at the former site of the main temple of Tenochtitlan. Here's a drawing I once did of the goddess compared to the stone disc.

39 181

Dibujo de Coyolxauhqui la diosa de la luna que hice hace tiempo

5 13