J: Tecchou We'll Get Caught!-
T: Then Be Quiet...

358 2538

Since the human versions are in jail, we're sending out the elites to look for the actual damn book...smh

Wish luck to the little guys...


119 609

Wanted to hop in and do some Dazai redraws from the new trailer ⭐️

the trailer got me so excited!!


149 622

BSD 106.5 redraws ✨

There are so many pretty panels in this chapter <33 Seeing Sigma genuinely smile made me so happy ^^

1127 4584

Ради умиротворение друга вновь нарисовал одазаев для души и тела

28 141

I’m so obsessed with this panel it’s not even funny

2 10

they kissed its true !! i was the water !!!

805 3459

"Я дал тебе обещание, что ты вернёшься домой живым"

300 1402