31: Boxed on Mount Prismfrost

Ngl popped off hard with the way I made the BG HOOH.

Anyway today's post is another old OC of mine, Boxby! He's a boxcrafter robot.

If ya been following me around 2017-2018 you should be familiar with him. Probably.

Please enjoy🤖

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24: Lights Out!

How shocking! Mr. Electric and his Plughounds from Sharkboy & Lavagirl zap into Decembot on Christmas Eve!

It's a miracle. Maybe. Enjoy the Alts & WIPS below!🤖

Also tagging juuuust incase

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22: I'm a Metal-Head

🎵I don't know what you mean,
it's just a healthy sheen
I must admit I feel a little strange
But I've never felt better,
I'm stronger than ever
Can't you see nothing's changed?🎵

Metal-Head DK from the DKC TV Series! Enjoy!

Banana Slamma!🤖

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11 Dumb-Duncebucket Bots

Ba-ha-ha-haaaa! Scratch & Grounder from AOSTH and Buzz & Delete from Cyberchase! The loyal lackeys of Dr. Robotnik & The Hacker

The personality & wit of these goobers are very similar, so having them altogether was a great idea!


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