Kinda crazy how far Rombul has come from a design perspective

1st picture forgot when it was made (might've been the year I was in 5th grade)

2nd pic was from Decembot last year (more scuffed than I remembered)

Last two pics are from this year

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31: Boxed on Mount Prismfrost

Ngl popped off hard with the way I made the BG HOOH.

Anyway today's post is another old OC of mine, Boxby! He's a boxcrafter robot.

If ya been following me around 2017-2018 you should be familiar with him. Probably.

Please enjoy🤖

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Day 30 Gonna Rek-It

Today's post is dedicated to one of my greatest pals !

Was really glad to include some of his OCs in Decembot: Katie, Krub-11, Sir Nuts N Bults

Enjoy! And please check Rek out! His passion shines with his style & character designs

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Day 29: Ship Shape Polydroid

Decembot is continuing baby!! Simple one for today, another one of my OCs, Penta! He's another shape based robot.

Wanted to do some funky foreshortening practice here too.


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Day 28: Metallic Bonds of Sisterhood

The XJ-Sisters from My Life as a Teenage Robot! Sisters 1-8 are here! (If you're wondering where Jenny/XJ-9 is she was apart of Day 1)

Solos and WIPS below! Enjoy and thank you for your patience!

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Day 27: Bot with a Needle Nose

Another old character I made years back, Blasto Bot 2.0!

I don't know why I named him that cause he can't fly but hey. He's all brand spankin new. He's a mix of 3D and 2D polygons.


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24: Lights Out!

How shocking! Mr. Electric and his Plughounds from Sharkboy & Lavagirl zap into Decembot on Christmas Eve!

It's a miracle. Maybe. Enjoy the Alts & WIPS below!🤖

Also tagging juuuust incase

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Day 23: Reveled Rubbish Reducers

Three robot ladies built for cleanliness & care! Sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, dusting, you name it!

Roll (Mega Man)
Rosie (The Jetsons)
Roomii by

Enjoy! Solos and WIPs below🤖

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Snapjaw head for because they’ve been making everyday of December worthwhile with Decembot! And because they’re a cool mutual 💚💜

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22: I'm a Metal-Head

🎵I don't know what you mean,
it's just a healthy sheen
I must admit I feel a little strange
But I've never felt better,
I'm stronger than ever
Can't you see nothing's changed?🎵

Metal-Head DK from the DKC TV Series! Enjoy!

Banana Slamma!🤖

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Day 21: Gale Force Gear Grinders

6 fabulous flying machines!

Tornado Man (Mega Man 9)
Beat (Mega Man)
Robonyan (Yo-Kai Watch)
Hedlok (ARMS)
Watinga (Mario Paint: Gnat Attack)
Opa-Opa (Fantasy Zone)

Opa-Opa is a robot by technicality.

Enjoy! Alts & WIPS below!🤖

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Day 18 Metal-Plated Pals

Just a squad of bots vibin!

Ribbot (Animal Crossing)
Clank (R&C)
Sunny (Robopon) [GBC & GBA Pokémon Clone]
Sprocket (Animal Crossing)


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& a Sharp-Toothed Toy

3 Old OCs! Kilo, Carbo, and Rept. Such original names...Anyway last drew these guys in 2015. Felt like a proper update was in order!


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11 Dumb-Duncebucket Bots

Ba-ha-ha-haaaa! Scratch & Grounder from AOSTH and Buzz & Delete from Cyberchase! The loyal lackeys of Dr. Robotnik & The Hacker

The personality & wit of these goobers are very similar, so having them altogether was a great idea!


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Day 7 Just Chillin' Machines

Another assortment piece

iZ Zizzle
Beep-O (M&RKB)
Curly Brace
Baby Chick Bot (Wubbzy's Amazing Adventure)


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Day 3 Bowser's Bad Borgs

10 Robot Enemies from the Super Mario Series!

Micro Topman
Motos (SM64Beta)
Snapjaw (DKJr)
Bom-omb (SMS)
Spiky Topman

"Gearmo isn't an enemy" Oh he counts fuck Dreadnought's Garbage Dump


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