meu deus...tantos...tantos pensamentos impuros...

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Simplesmente uma das obras mais marcantes dos jogos que já tive oportunidade de jogar na vida. Meudeus... Os questionamentos que esse game trás é difícil até de por em palavras, viu. 10/10

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O rapto bem discreto graças a Deus....

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Ele. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Senhor vc tem a idade da minha avó.................mas meu deus.

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new pin!📌🦇

howdy, i'm amadeus. i'm a 19 y/o college student who dabbles in anything i can get my silly hands onto

most of my personal OCs are humans, but i you'll likely see mostly furry art on here

this is my fursona, Pinnacle! shes a silly little man thing

more below

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Solomon has filed a restraining order against Asmodeus.

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This designs was way before the final illustration, so me and Master Rudeus have a talk on the process because I love nuns.

Thank you for your work as ever Master Rudeus.🍎

Sketches on the comission work.

Please comission Rudeus in the future!!!

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Soneto 1
Ao meu pai doente

É o primeiro dos 3 poemas que ilustrei para o nosso projeto de finalização do curso.
No poema Augusto dos Anjos questiona o destino de seu pai e quem seria capaz de fazer isso a ele, questionando até Deus.

Na ilustração eu trouxe essa ambiguidade +

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💚The first time you drew a character vs the last.

OC, Zayid, rejected son of Asmodeus. My kind and nerdy demon. 🫶 I've had him for a very long time.

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A antiga banda da Lua...
"Nunca será um Adeus..."

💜+🔃 = Artista feliz!!

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sempre que vejo esses “genderswap” de the owl house, eu fico me perguntando o porquê de sequer mexer no design do collector. essa criança é literalmente gnc as fuck, pelo amor de deus.

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So, I wrote a fanfic for Mammon and Asmodeus. (Calling the ship MamOz from now on.) It'll only have four chapters, I'm just taking my time doing these illustrations first. Takes place pre-Fall, straight through the war, and into the establishment of the Rings. 1/2

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💗Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!💗

🌹Roses for our dearest Asmodeus. It fits him so I just chose it.🌹

Had another thing prepared for this special day but couldn't finish it with all the things happening.

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E voltamos com os desenhos, grazadeus. Então vamos movimentar esse perfil.

Tô fazendo a Wasp, do , no meu estilo.

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i GOTTA share my two burdened women! Ravenna (half orc bloodhunter) was from a 3 yr long campaign, i got to play her up to level 20 which RULED she helped defeat Asmodeus. and Talia (sun elf oath of devotion paladin) who is my current Curse of Strahd pc!!

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Heya guys! Just made a new post on kofi.
This time of Oriander and Asmodeus. The demon prince of lust. If you want to check out these lovely ladies please consider buying me a kofi. Thanks!

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