Hacía tiempo que no dibujaba a Diddy y Dixie juntos, ¿y que mejor que hacer uno de sus versiones adultas?😊
Siempre quise dibujar una pose donde ellos formen un corazón, pero nunca lograba hacerlo, hasta ahora 😁

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Fiery Kong is best Kong. 🔥💪🏻🦍

At long last he gets to use power ups, I wonder if there's gonna be others in the movie?🤔 Let's speculate below!!

6 18

Happy is beating me down. I'm gonna keep pushing and try to get back on track, but's here's the latest victims of the machine menace.
•Olimar from
•King K. Rool from
•War from

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"Fire Donkey Kong"

Un pequeño dibujo del chango bananero favorito de todos, basado en el power up que obtiene en el trailer de

6 29

Un dibujo simple que hice de Donkey con el poder de la flor de fuego 🔥🦍🍌
Desde que vi el trailer de la película de Mario, no pude resistirme a dibujarlo, ¡me encantó ese concepto de que los Kongs puedan usar los poderes de Mario!🤩

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🦍 Bluster Kong - Sprite 🦍

He's from Donkey Kong Country Cartoon !
He's the best !

19 72

The fact that DK can use the Fire Flower means that there's a possibility that the cat form could exist, too :0

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I made this for my buddy
as a birthday present

Sorry it's a bit late :,3

10 28


Me see monkey in fire
Me jump for monkey cool
Me draw monkey
Me happy

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069 - Donkey Kong (Donkey Kong)
Wanted to draw Mario for Mar10, but I want to save this month's Super Mario character for later in the month

... so I did the next best thing because I'm considering Donkey Kong a separate series

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You've seen fire in the trailer, but have you seen Fire Diddy? He has a burning tail whose open flame never goes out! 🔥

His catchphrase is "GAS LEAK!!!!!!!!!".

Art by .

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