Angry Boar was bought
Price: 0.012 ETH ($16.88)
Seller: Happyfordays
Buyer: dontlookaway

1 4



0 1

Day 12: “Every night my sisters keep asking me, ‘When will our mommy come get us?’
I don’t know what to tell them.”
-M, 12, from Ecuador speaking of her 8 and 4 year old sisters.

228 324

At midnight, had 786 worldwide events. Madrid. Lyon.

We are adding more this morning.

By this metric, we are now the largest mass mobilization in history.

The world will not stand for what this administration is doing. Not now. Not ever again.

1373 2591

If papers and magazines don't want to publish it, we can do it.

Right here.


Michael 's cartoon may make some people feel uncomfortable.

That's the point.

1847 4919